Payroll Protection Program (PPP) to relaunch Monday April 27, 2020

DRDA continues to provide you information as quickly as we can related to any tax law changes, as well as financial aid and loan opportunities as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. As you can imagine, this is a rapidly changing environment and we will continue to disseminate information as it is made available to us.
On March 27th 2020, President Trump enacted the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to Help small businesses keep workers employed through a program known as the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Which allowed banks to issue SBA 100% federally guaranteed loans to small businesses that can attest to suffering economic hardship as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Importantly, these PPP loans may be forgiven if borrowers maintain their payrolls during the crisis or restore their payroll afterward.
Yesterday April 23, 2020 Congress approved an additional $310 billion in Funding to replenish the PPP Program which has run out of money. Congress had allotted an initial $349 billion in the last relief bill, a $2.2 trillion package enacted on March 27, only to see the funds run dry shortly afterward due to the rush of businesses seeking to tap the benefits.
Banks will start processing application Monday April 27, 2020. We anticipate the money to move very quickly. We suggest to those applying for the PPP, to do so as soon as possible, and be ready to submit their applications immediately as the program becomes available.
Here is a link to a small business guide published yesterday by the U.S Chamber of Commerce. Please take the time to read this memo, and if you believe your business qualifies (if you need help in that determination, please let us know), then you need to contact your banker to start the process. Please keep in mind, these loans are moving very fast and they are being created as a “first come, first served” priority list for applicants. This will typically be a bank process, not an accounting process, so submitting a loan application through your bank will be of the utmost importance.
The last twelve (12) months payroll information will be needed. It is our understanding at this time, that payroll will include wages, employer paid payroll taxes, health insurance premiums and retirement expense (i.e. 401(k) match).
As stated previously, for the PPP loan to be forgiven your business will have to prove that it retained and continued to pay employees. The rules are still evolving regarding the employee retention provision but understand that employee retention is paramount to having this loan forgiven.
The administration’s PPP program guidelines can be found at, and the U.S. Small Business Administration’s search tool to find a bank that offers PPP loans can be found at
We hope that you are well, and please stay safe. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.
- Published in Business Lending, Small Business, Tax
DRDA, LLC – Jennifer Lopez spotlight in UHCL “The Signal”

DRDA’s own Jennifer Lopez, Human Resources and Learning Development Coordinator was spotlighted this week in the University of Houston – Clear Lake news publication “The Signal.”
The article covers her educational path as a student and parent, and now with a full-time career. “I think the most important thing I learned,” said Jennifer, “is how to take a curriculum outside of my classroom and into a board room or training room. Just because its education doesn’t mean it has to be in a K-12 classroom. It can be corporate or anywhere.” She continues to add, “What I learned in my undergraduate classes at UHCL is to be a better instructor across the board, whether it’s a child or an accountant.”
“Her skill sets were amazing,” said Dr. Jana Willis, Professor of Instructional Design and Technology, “she had worked very hard to get to where she was in her educational journey. Her journey took her from NASA aerospace scholar, to computer engineering, to mathematics major, to a master’s degree in instructional technology, and now to a doctorate in curriculum and instruction. It’s all adding to the brilliance I saw in that undergraduate classroom. Jennifer is a role model for all UHCL students.”
Jennifer will be Graduating this May, receiving her Master’s degree in Instructional Technology and Design with a specialization in Human Resources.
- Published in Uncategorized
Your BORSA Plan and the CARES Act

On March 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was enacted to address the
financial difficulties that have resulted from the COVID‐19 pandemic. Included in this law were provisions that
provide special coronavirus related distributions (CRD) for qualifying plan participants. Below is a brief summary of the new CRDs available and new loan provisions to qualifying participants.
Coronavirus Related Distribution:
Qualifying participants can request a distribution of up to $100,000 from the retirement plan without incurring a
10% early distribution penalty. There is no age requirement and you can take coronavirus‐related distributions
whether actively employed or not. You can request the entire amount in a one lump sum, or multiple payments, but all must be taken by no later than December 30, 2020.
There is a federal tax withholding requirement of 10%, but you may choose to waive it completely or withhold a
different amount at the time of distribution. The amount of distribution is subject to federal tax, but you will be able to spread the taxes owed on the distribution over three years.
You may repay the entire amount distributed to you within three years. This opportunity allows you to repay
some or all of the distribution to any qualified plan or IRA that accepts rollovers as a way to minimize your income
tax liability. This is different than a loan in that there is no interest and no periodic payment requirement, and the
ability to repay does not require an election at the time of distribution. Repayment can be in a single lump sum or
via installments of different amounts at different times, but the repayment window only runs for three years from
the date you first receive the distribution.
It is important to emphasize that this new CRDs only apply to individual plan participants that meet certain requirements. If you should choose to utilize either of these provisions, you must certify that you meet one or more of the conditions listed below.
You have experienced adverse financial consequences as a result of:
• having been diagnosed with SARS‐CoV‐2 or COVID‐19 by a test approved by the Centers for Disease Control and
• a spouse or other dependent (as defined in section 152 of the internal revenue code) being diagnosed with
SARS‐CoV‐2 or COVID‐19 by a test approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
• being quarantined,
• being furloughed,
• being laid off or having work hours reduced,
• being unable to work due to a lack of childcare,
• being an owner of a business who has had to close the business or reduce hours worked in the business due to
the COVID‐19 virus.
Increase of Maximum Loan Amount
Under current rules the maximum loan amount available is the lesser of 50% of vested account balance or $50,000
reduced by the highest outstanding loan amount in the previous 12 months. The new rule increases the maximum
loan amount to the lesser of 100% of vested account balance or $100,000 reduced by the highest outstanding loan
in the previous 12 months. This provision has been incorporated into our plan but will expire on September 23, 2020.
The loan must still meet all other requirements and limitations set forth under the plan.
Loan Payment Suspension
Qualifying participants who currently have loans outstanding or who take new loans can suspend their loan
payments for the remainder of 2020. It is important to know that interest will continue to accrue on any loan where
payments are suspended.
Re‐Amortization of Loans with a Final Payment Date that is Later than 12/31/2020:
If a loan is suspended under
this provision, the loan will be re‐amortized to include the accrued interest and extend the loan duration for 12
months beyond the original final loan payment date. This re‐amortization will result in a new loan payment amount.
Payments, using this new payment amount, will begin as of the first payment due date in 2021.
Example: Loan with an original first payment date of 3/15/2018 with a final payment date of 3/15/2021. Payment
is suspended as of 4/15/2020 for the remainder of 2020. New payment is calculated by including the accrued
interest for the period 4/15/2020 through 12/31/2020 and by extending the final payment date to 3/15/2022.
Payments resume on 1/15/2021, using the new payment amount.
Re‐Amortization of Loans with a Final Payment Date of prior to 12/31/2020:
If a loan is suspended under this
provision, the loan will be re‐amortized to include the accrued interest and extend the loan duration for 12 months
beyond the original final loan payment date. This re‐amortization will result in a new loan payment amount.
Payments, using this new payment amount, will begin 12 months after the date of the suspension.
Example: Loan with an original first payment date of 9/30/2017 with a final payment date of 9/30/2020. Payment
is suspended as of 4/15/2020 for the remainder of 2020. New payment is calculated by including the accrued
interest for the period 4/15/2020 through 3/31/2021 and by extending the final payment date to 9/30/2021.
Payments resume on 4/15/2021, using the new payment amount.
Please note that this document was prepared based on our best interpretation of the law. Additional guidance from regulators is likely. This guidance may result in the information presented in this document being inaccurate.
If we receive information that is conflicting with what we have stated here we will send that information to you and post it on our website In the interim, please call us if you have any questions or if we may be of any assistance.
- Published in Business Lending, ROBS 401(k), ROBS 401k Provider, Small Business
COVID-19 – Small Businesses the SBA programs, and the CAREs Act.
Our world is going through unprecedented times. The COVID-19 virus is not only a healthcare crisis but an economic crisis as well affecting millions of small businesses, their owners, and employees.
DRDA CPAs & Business Consultants care about you, your family, and your business. We are hard at work – remotely – to continue to find the best solutions for our clients.
On March 27th the President signed into law the CAREs Act which contained $376 billion in relief for American workers and small businesses.
It was a historic undertaking and the SBA processed more loans in two weeks than they would in 20 years. Programs are now out of money. It is anticipated that Congress will appropriate more funds, maybe as early as this week.
In the meantime, we wanted you to have this information:
• PPP & EIDL programs are out of money
• Banks and SBA are not currently taking applications
• Congress will appropriate more money
• If you did not get your money from the first allocation you MUST be ready for the next one – now is the time to complete the gathering of your information so your application can be submitted the day the programs reopen
What you can do in the interim:
• CAREs Act allows you to borrow up to $100,000 from your 401k
• You can utilize a BORSA Plan [brief description of BORSA] or if you are already a BORSA client you could roll more funds (if you have them available) into your plan and invest into your C Corp
• Line of Credit with your Bank
• Unemployment
DRDA continues to monitor the situation on an hour by hour basis. We’ve hosted several webinars over the last two weeks and will start those back up once the programs get refunded. You can register for webinars on our main site We are also blogging the latest information we have.
If we can help please reach out – you can call me direct if you’d like 281-954-6023 or email
- Published in Business Lending, ROBS 401(k), Small Business
DRDA Spotlights the BORSA Plan at the NAGGL Spring 2020 Virtual Exhibit Hall
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is changing the way everyone is doing business. The National Association of Government Guaranteed Lender’s Spring Conference has moved to a virtual format. NAGGL’s Virtual Spring Conference (May 6-8) offers over a dozen LIVE sessions and interactive discussions led by industry leaders and invited SBA policymakers on topics that address how to best help your borrowers along the road to recovery while effectively managing your portfolio.
The conference connects attendees with hundreds of 7(a) lenders across the country during the event, but NAGGL just announced that starting today, you can connect with a select group of industry product and service provider professionals in the Virtual Exhibit Hall.
DRDA CPAs & Business Consultants is proud to once again sponsor and exhibit at this important industry event. We spotlight our BORSA (Business Owner’s Retirement Savings Account) Plan at this conference as many of our BORSA clients are leveraging their retirement funds – tax and penalty-free – with an SBA 7(a) or 504 loan to start or purchase a business.
To learn more about the BORSA Plan please visit our site at If you have questions, please reach out to Suzy Granger at 281-954-6023 or
- Published in ROBS 401(k)