Anthony Alves


What do you anticipate being the most exciting part about your job?
Meeting new people and learning different ways to use the skills I have learned through prior work and school.

What is your hidden talent?
Fantasy story writing. .

What is your philosophy as it relates to working?
Working diligently should be a top priority until all goals are met, with organization as a prominent focus to promote the highest efficiency through all processes. .

Why did you choose to work in the field of accounting?
My time as a student and working in retail has provided me with refined skills in task organization and sales that I felt could be further developed in this field. .

In your own words, what is your job description?
Client relations and communication, task/ resource management. .

History MA from University of Houston, Clear Lake. .

What do you enjoy doing when not at work.
I spend time with my family, write fantasy stories for my Dungeons & Dragons group, or read historical texts on various subjects of interest. .

Fun Fact about you.
My focus of historical research is ancient civilizations, such as Greek, Egyptian, Assyrian, Sumerian, and Babylonian to name a few. .

Practice Area

Tax Administration

Anthony Alves

Title: Production Administrator
Phone: 281-417-7363

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